Wednesday, 15 January 2014

On imagination stories

I've shot myself in the foot recently. It was about a few weeks ago when I took up the shot gun and applied the trigger, strangely enough not feeling the full depth of my injuries until the last week or so. In an attempt to prevent a long drawn out procedure with books and repeating stories, I created something called "The imagination story". I giggled internally at my own naming of this, as I knew fine well, that I had no imagination and so any story supposedly from my imagination would be ever so slightly lacking in creativity. And so it began. Stories from my so called "imagination", no pictures, sometimes without an ending for many days, multiple twists and turns and random dramatic events.

But now I can't get out of it, every darn evening, Ezra starts talking about an imagination story and finding out what happens next, she even remembers what happened last time which is good, because I don't. After a week or so, Israel caught on to this and picked out his favourite character from one story and now persistently asks to hear about "Israel the rescue truck". I've basically run out of ideas for the stories, and am asked to repeat stories that I can't remember, and there are an awful lot really gutted looks when I say no. What shall I do?

So for your amusement, of my poor story creation skills, here is a sample of a recent story:

Once upon a time there was a large castle in a beautiful land full of lots of trees, lakes and fields. In the castle lived Queen Rachel, King Paul, Princess Ezra and Israel the rescue truck.
One day Princess Ezra was playing basketball with Israel the rescue in the castle garden. While they were playing the horrible Dragon Thabiti swooped down and grabbed King Paul with his claws.
"Oh no! Oh no!" Cried Queen Rachel. "Dragon Thabiti has taken King Paul away!"
"Yum, yum, yum." Said Dragon Thabiti, "I'm going to enjoy eating this yummy King for my dinner."
"Oh no" said Queen Rachel, "I'll never see him again."
"Don't worry!" Said Israel the rescue truck, "I can rescue him! Princess Ezra jump in my cabin and we will go on an adventure to rescue King Paul from that nasty dragon."
So Princess Ezra jumped into Israel's cabin and pressed down very hard on the go pedal.
"Vrumm! Vrumm," said Israel the rescue truck, and off they went very fast.
They went over the fields of flowers, through the dark forest, around the lake of disobedient children and finally they were at the bottom of Dragon mountain.
It was very scary. There was lots of fog, sharp rocks and it was very steep to climb.
"How will we get to the top of this mountain, Israel?" Said Princess Ezra
"Hmmm, why don't you turn on my lights and press the button for my special climbing wheels?"
"OK!" So Ezra clicked on Israel's lights and pressed the button for his wheels.
"Now we are ready to go!"
Off they went up the steep mountain, through the fog and around the sharp rocks.
Finally, they got to the top. Israel the rescue truck rolled forward very quietly so Princess Ezra could see where King Paul was.
Princess Ezra peered around the corner and saw that Dragon Thabiti was sleeping. Slowly and carefully she crept forward very quietly so she wouldn't wake the dragon up. King Paul was tied up next to the fire waiting to be cooked for the Dragon's dinner, so she snuck over and untied him. Without saying anything they crept back towards Israel past the sleeping dragon. Just as they were getting to Israel, King Paul stepped on a stick. A loud crack resounded and the dragon awoke.
"What are you doing with my dinner?" He roared. "I'm going to catch you both then I will have dinner and dessert."
"Quick King Paul; we've got to get to Israel!"
They ran as fast they could and jumped into Israel's cabin.
"Vrumm! Vrumm!" Said Israel and off they sped.
Dragon Thabiti was chasing after them; he was getting closer and closer.
"Oh no," said Ezra, "Dragon Thabiti is going to eat us!"
"No he's not," said Israel the rescue truck "press my special red button."
Princess Ezra pressed the special red button and whoosh off they went up into the air!
Dragon Thabiti tried to follow them but he discovered that he couldn't fly. Israel had stuck his wings together while he was sleeping!
Princess Ezra, King Paul and Israel the rescue truck flew back to castle where Queen Rachel was waiting with a nice party to welcome them home from their adventure. They all had some lovely cake and laughed about how they got away from the Dragon Thabiti. The End.