Everyone blogs, so I'm going to as well. I've resisted Blackberry's, IPads, IPhones, an Ilife but in this area I seemed to have slipped. Perhaps it is just an urge to be heard, a narcissistic tendency that has finally burst out. I hope it will just be a way to share the random goings on of my adventures in Cayman.
I'm Christian. I'm one of those crazy extremists too. I actually believe that the whole of the Bible is true, that God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh, that you ought to lay down your life for your brother, that you should forgive much because you have been forgiven much. Just so you know. Just so as to warn you if you are one reading at a distance.
So, on pipping your horn. I received a comment from a friend today, one I've had many times before. Something along the lines of "I saw you driving along the road and I was beeping and waving but you didn't see me!"
[FYI: for the Non-Caymanians, people pip their horns by way of a friendly greeting here, I think other Caribbean countries too.]
Listen, I'm going to lay it out here.
1) When I'm driving, I'm driving, I'm trying not to crash. I've crashed once. It was awful. Never again if I can help it. I don't have time for your pleasantries! I'm trying not to get my legs mashed up or brains splattered out!
2) It may be friendly here, but I just can't get into it. Where I come from, pipping your horn is an angry thing, something you do to someone who has just cut you up, pulled out in front of you, generally got in your way and broken either a spoken or unspoken rule of the road. So if you're pipping me then I'm thinking: "What? What did I do?"
3) If I pip m'horn at you, it's because you just pushed me towards the boundaries of having to use my brakes sharply. Come on dude! Driving is about flow! Merge with the traffic!
My sister will be cracking up here - I'm sure she still remembers my frantic driving around London at the age of 19, when I went to pick her up. Flow I was not.
So remember folks, pipping is not for Ronnie's.
Love to you all.
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