Things that make me tired:
1) Doing the washing up
You've done it, the sink is all nice and clear and then literally within 30 seconds somebody places another item in there! I mean, come on! Where is the mystical washing up fairy that I heard so much about growing up? Not at my house that's for sure. My friend says that housework is pearls on a thread (or something like that). Well I'm sorry, my dear friend, that pearl thread is making me tired.
2) Repeating myself
Sit down, please. Sit down, please. Sit down, please.
Be quiet. Be quiet. Be quiet. Be quiet.
Do your work. Do your work. Do your work.
Come here, please. Come here, please. Come here, please.
I shouldn't do it. I shouldn't repeat myself. I should just expect that they do it the first time.
I just get trapped in my own repetition cycle, like a broken record, it's a habit now. I just say everything three times. Try spending a day saying everything three times over. How do you feel at the end?
3) People who don't want to accept when they've done something wrong
Obviously, this happens more to me than your average Joe because of my profession.
Discipling people to a point where they can take responsibility is exhausting work! It's take time and patience. At this time of year, we teachers are running low on both.
4) Watching just one more Netflix show
This probably should have been at the top.
I'm watching the 4400 at the moment. It's utter nonsense, and yet I'm completely hooked!
I just have to know what will happen next! Even if it means I will lose out on my much needed sleep.
5) Paperwork
It's never ending.
It's never ending.
It's never ending.
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